Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Place for Passion and Hope, not Hopeless Despair...

A Place for Passion and Hope, not Hopeless Despair...

Below is a message from Scott Hughes:

Compared with the amount of visitors we get at the Hunger & Poverty Forums, not many people join and talk. It seems people don't have too much interest in discussing issues such as hunger, poverty and disease. I suppose I can understand, because these topics come across as depressing and very serious, and people generally like light-hearted and happy talk.

I see this as unfortunate, because we need to address these serious problems to have any chance at solving them. I see open discussion as the most important step in successfully fighting hunger, poverty, AIDS, and such. To successfully fight hunger and poverty, we need to raise awareness and come up with new methods, because the old ways have not worked. Open and rational discussion meets those ends. We can share our ideas, and brainstorm to develop well-thought-out plans to successfully end preventable social ills such as hunger, poverty, homelessness.

We cannot afford to ignore these issues any longer.

I do not see these as sad or depressing topics. On the contrary, we can approach it with hope and passion, by realizing that we can successfully fight these social problems. I created the Hunger & Poverty Discussion Forums not for useless whining, but rather for productive discussion.

Through such discussion, we can put our minds together and figure out effective ways to make positive changes to our society, thus making the world a better place for all. We can do that!

First, how can we get more people to join these important discussions at the Hunger & Poverty Forums?

How can we show people that the Hunger & Poverty Forums contain practical hope not fruitless despair?

I intend to put on my thinking cap, but please come to the Hunger & Poverty Forums and post any suggestions you have.

If you have not already, please join the Hunger & Poverty Forums, and please share your thoughts.

(Click here to join the forums for free.)

Thank you,
Scott Hughes

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